long pista (pistachio) price per kg in hyderabad
What you will read in this article....
The price of Iranian pistachios for exportTo buy exportation Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio directlyTo buy raw Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio using for export and making nutsMechanically open and closed shell Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio
Price of white Ahmad Aghaii (long) pistachio for exportation in Rafsanjan
The price of this pistachio for exportation divides in to 2 groups: naturally open which is expensive and mechanically open which is cheaper.
The exporting price is very important since Iran pistachio can maintain its important role in global market.
Nowadays Iran has such a powerful competitor like the U.S. and Turkey.
One of the most important types of pistachio for exportation is Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio which is placed after Fandoghi (round) one. Considering all types of ounces, there are a great amounts of exportation to India and also Russia. But the type ranges are completely different. In other words, although India orders the luxury type, Russia prefers to buy the product with low quality so in this way we export both naturally and mechanically open Ahmad Aghaei pistachios.
The more white color peel it has the more expensive one it will be.
The best grade of this product exists in Rafsanjan and especially in Nough which Indian merchants are always asking for them.
The price of Iranian pistachios for export
This issue depends on some elements in which the most important is the supply and demand.
Another important element to put a price on pistachio and its fabrications is the exchange rate and global price of pistachio.
Since 70 percent of producing pistachio is exported, it is a completely exporting product so the exchange price has influence on that. Moreover, it has to deal with the global price of pistachio in order to be in role of exportation.
Although these elements have effect on exportation directly, there are some indirect elements like transportation as well.
To buy exportation Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio directly
To sell this product directly from the farmer can be beneficial for both producer and merchants since there is no go-between there.
It is mostly used for exportation and then for making nuts.
The majority of Ahmad aghaei pistachio gardens are in Kerman.
Since the farmers are not aware of up-to-date price, it’s better to buy them from exporter merchants directly.
To buy raw Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio using for export and making nuts
Ahmad aghaei pistachio is packed due to the target place since each country orders it based on its needs.
For instance, India mostly requests for first grade and white Ahmad aghaii pistachio while Russia needs perhaps its lower quality one.
Moreover, after Akbari (super long) and Kale ghochi (jumbo) this pistachio is mostly used for making nuts.
All of these are some examples that show buying from farmers directly is more beneficial.
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Mechanically open and closed shell Ahmad aghaei (long) pistachio
Similar to raw Ahmad aghaei pistachio, people request for mechanically open and closed shell Ahmad aghaei pistachios.
People buy closed shell Ahmad aghaei pistachios usually for kernels and mechanically open pistachios which the first product is luxury one and the second has lower levels of quality and mostly used for exportation.